1927 Electronic television: Philo T. Farnsworth, San Francisco, 7 September 1927
1935 Magnetic audiotape recorder: AEG K1 Magnetophon, Germany
1938 Z1 computer: Konrad Zuse, Germany
1937-39 ABC computer: Atanasoff & Berry, Iowa State Univ
1940 Two-way radio: Motorola SCR 536 Handie Talkie
1944 Harvard Mark 1 computer: designed by Howard Aiken, built by IBM
1945 Memex (memory extension) machine proposed: Vannevar Bush, Manhattan Project
1946 ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, Mauchly and Eckert, Univ of Pennsylvania
1946 Television set: RCA 630-TS
1947 Transistor: invented by Bell Labs team including William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain
1948 Vinyl LP, long-playing 12-inch music disc: Columbia Records
1950 Diners Club: first payments card
1951 UNIVAC, Universal Automatic Computer, first to use magnetic tape, Mauchly and Eckert
1954 Mass-produced computer: IBM 650
1954 Solid state silicon transistor: Bell Labs
1954 Photovoltaic cell: Bell Labs. Solar power. Precursor to charge-coupled devices (CCD) and fiber-to-copper coupler
1955 Portable transistor radio: Sony TR-63
1956 Magnetic videotape recorder: Ampex VR-1000 quadruplex
1956 First generalized computer language: Fortran, IBM
1956 William Shockley founds Shockley Semiconductor in Mountain View, first to support silicon use for semiconductors. Silicon Valley pioneer.
1957 Orbital satellite: Sputnik
1957 High-fidelity stereo LP
1957 Fairchild Semiconductor: researchers leave Shockley Semi to form Fairchild
1958 ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency, later DARPA. Founded in response to "Sputnik Crisis"
1958 American Express charge card
1958 Revolving consumer credit: BankAmericard: Bank of America. 1966 Visa interbank consortium
1959 Silicon chip, integrated circuit: Fairchild Semi
1959 First completely transistorized mainframe computer: IBM 7090
1959 Xerographic plain paper photocopier: Xerox
1960 Laser: Hughes Research Labs et al.
1961 Packet switching: Paul Baran, RAND Corporation
1962 Intergalactic Computer Network described, J.C.R. Licklider, Bolt Beranek and Newman
1962 Augment human intellect with computers and networks: Doug Engelbart, SRI
1962 Orbital satellite + PV cells + commercial telecommunications: Telstar I
1963 Hypertext: Ted Nelson
1963 Compact audiotape cassette recorder: Philips
1963 Computer graphics program with graphical user interface: Sketchpad, Ivan Sutherland
1964 Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan
1964 On Distributed Communications Networks, Paul Baran
1964 Music synthesizer: Robert A. Moog
1965 Minicomputer: Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8
1965 Moore’s Law: Number of transistors on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months; Gordon Moore
1966 Revolving consumer credit: Interbank Card Association: 1969 Master Charge, 1979 MasterCard
1966 Visa interbank consortium
1967 The Medium is the Massage, Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore
1968 Whole Earth Catalog, Stewart Brand
1968 The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP), Donald Knuth
1968 Intel: Fairchild Semi veterans Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, founders
1968 December: Mouse + GUI + Hypertext + Video Conferencing: Doug Engelbart with Bill English, SRI
1969 ARPANet: Interconnects networks at SRI, UC-Santa Barbara, UCLA, Univ of Utah
1969 Future Shock, Alvin Toffler
1969 Unics: Bell Labs, renamed Unix
1969 Fiber optics: CCD converts light into digital signal, Bell Labs
1970 Xerox PARC, Palo Alto Research Center
1971 Microprocessor: Intel 4004
1971 Email: ARPANET @
1971 Handheld scientific calculator: HP 35
1972 Digital audio: Denon
1973 Personal computer + GUI + mouse: Xerox Alto, PARC
1973 TCP/IP: Vinton Cerf, Stanford Univ and Bob Kahn, DARPA
1974 Internet named: Bob Kahn, DARPA and Vint Cerf, Stanford Univ in paper on TCP
1974 Computer Lib / Dream Machines, Ted Nelson
1975 Personal computer: Altair 8800
1975 Homebrew Computer Club: Meets to demo Altair 8800, includes Gordon French, Fred Moore, Steve Wozniak
1975 Microsoft: Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Albuquerque
1975 Home videotape cassette recorder: Sony Betamax
1976 Apple Computer, Cupertino
1976 Personal computer: Apple I
1976 Home videotape cassette recorder: JVC VHS
1976 Ethernet: PARC
1976 SATNet packet program: Links US, Europe by commercial orbital satellites
1977 First successful mass-produced personal computer: Apple II
1977 Public key cryptography: Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman; later form RSA Security
1977 Wireless Internet: SRI van on Interstate 280 broadcasts TCP through satellite and wired ARPANET lines to USC, Los Angeles
1978 CBBS: Public dial-up bulletin board system
1979 USENet BBS
1979 Personal media: Sony Walkman
1979 Macintosh: Steve Jobs, Apple team visit PARC, view networked PCs, bitmapped GUI, object oriented programming
1981 Mass-produced personal computer: IBM PC 5150
1981 Digital camera with CCD: Sony Mavica
1982 Portable video camera for consumers: Sony Betamovie
1982 Portable laptop computer: GRiD Compass 1101
1983 Internet: ARPANET adopts TCP/IP for massive interconnection of unrelated networks
1983 Domain Name Server: Univ of Wisconsin
1983 Digital music: CD, Compact Disc: Sony and Philips
1983 Mobile telephony: Motorola DynaTAC 8000X
1984 Breakup of Bell System. 1994: Baby Bells acquire Internet backbone
1984 Mass-produced personal computer + GUI + mouse: Apple Macintosh
1984 Neuromancer, William Gibson
1984 "Information wants to be free," Stewart Brand
1984 "The Network Is the Computer," John Gage, Sun Microsystems
1985 The WELL: Stewart Brand et al.
1985 Desktop publishing: Aldus PageMaker
1986 Digital video: Sony DVR 1000, D-1 digital videotape
1987 Digital audio: Sony DAT, digital audio tape
1988 Digital cinema: AVID solid state non-linear video editing
1988 Cellular telephony: Global System for Mobile Communications, GSM
1988 Digital photo editing and effects: Adobe Photoshop
1989 Consumer GPS receiver: Magellan NAV 1000
1989 Mobile telephony: Motorola MicroTAC
1991 Technology: 6 August: Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau launch the World Wide Web to the public from a NeXt server at CERN, info.cern.ch
1991 Internet browser: Gopher, Paul Lindner and Mark McCahill, Univ of Minnesota
1991 Portable laptop computer: Apple PowerBook
1991 High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991
1991 Consumer digital camera: Logitech FotoMan
1992 JPEG compression standard for still images
1992 SMS text message: Neil Papworth to Richard Jarvis, Vodafone: “MERRY CHRISTMAS"
1993 MP3 compression standard for audio
1993 MPEG compression standard for video
1993 Graphical web browser: Mosaic, Marc Andreessen, Univ of Illinois + NCSA
1993 Personal digital assistant: Apple Newton
1993 Digital cinema: digital special effects integrated with live action celluloid film: Jurassic Park
1993 Digital advertising agency: Organic, Inc.
1994 NSF auctions original four network access points to Baby Bells: MAE Washington to WorldCom; San Francisco to PacBell; Pennsauken to Sprint; Chicago to Ameritech
1994 Search + cataloging: Yahoo!
1994 Consumer modem: USRobotics Sportser
1994 Digital advertising agency: Razorfish
1995 RSA Security splits, forms VeriSign, website verification authority
1995 Digital cinema: Toy Story
1995 Search: AltaVista
1995 Amazon.com
1995 DV: Digital video format for camcorders
1996 Mobile telephony: Motorola StarTAC, first clamshell flip-phone
1996 Blog: Scripting News, Dave Winer
1997 Wi-fi wireless radio networking protocol
1997 DVD, Digital Video Disc: Philips, Sony, Toshiba and Panasonic
1997 Home cinema: Pioneer 42-inch plasma flat screen TV
1997 Personal digital assistant: Palm Pilot
1998 Search: Google
1998 Bluetooth short-range radio protocol
1998 Personal media player: Diamond Rio PMP300
1998 Cloud computing: VMware all-OS hypervisor
1998 World Wide Web is global
1999 Digital cinema: Apple Final Cut Pro solid state non-linear video editing
1999 Blog + social network: LiveJournal
1999 Peer-to-peer payments: PayPal
1999 Peer-to-peer online media distribution: Napster
1999 Personal digital assistant: RIM Blackberry 850
1999 Personal digital assistant: Handspring Visor
2000 Consumer GPS: US government switches off selective availability limits
2001 Search + cataloging: Wikipedia
2001 Digital media marketplace, royalties and rights distribution: Apple iTunes
2001 Personal media player: Apple iPod
2001 Digital cinema: Star Wars Episode II; Once Upon a Time in Mexico live action features
2002 Peer-to-peer anonymous interbank payments: Settlenet
2002 Social network: Friendster
2003 Digital cinema: Walter Murch edits Cold Mountain on location in Final Cut Pro on Apple laptop
2003 Social network: LinkedIn
2003 Social network: Myspace
2004 Social network: Facebook
2005 Social network: YouTube
2006 Social network: Twitter
2007 Apple iPhone
2010 Apple iPad
2017 Peer-to-peer interbank payments: Zelle
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